It really pays to learn how to do basic desktop publishing. You don’t need to be an expert; you just need to know how to layout an A4 flyer so that your client can get a sense of what the ad, flyer or banner will look like when it’s done properly.
I can’t draw to save my life, but I can just use the basic functions of Word and Canva. Do a short course and learn the basics. It’ll help you pitch your ideas to your client more successfully.
If you enjoy the process, you could even charge a small fee to cover some of the design work you offer. Be careful not to spend so much time learning this new skill you neglect your copywriting business, but a little bit of knowledge can be a wonderful thing.
Knowing how to design a basic flier will also help you create your own marketing fliers to promote your own business. You can apply the skills to help make your social media posts look more professional.
Action: Check out to help you skill up in this area.