Skills to help you create human-written content

As a freelancer, you’ll know how important it is to future-proof your business. And to have skills that enable you to create human-written content for your clients.

That’s why we have a focus on interviewing and storytelling at this year’s Summit. Both are skills you MUST build on, because they set you apart in an AI world (they’re something AI can’t do).

Plus, we know (from marketer Neil Patel) that human-written content outperforms AI content 94.12% of the time – which is no surprise to us!

So make sure you don’t miss the Interviewing and the art of storytelling panel session on Day 1. Sophie Knox, Susan Horsburgh and Shannon Molloy will cover the importance of interviewing skills and storytelling in creating original and engaging content.

These three talented writers and content creators will share: 

  • how a storytelling approach works for clients
  • tips on conducting revealing and effective interviews
  • and how personal experiences can create memorable content.

Because it’s not just about journalism. They are essential skills for writers for all kinds. You can use interviewing and storytelling in print features, for B2B/B2C content pieces – and it’s vital when nailing voice of customer (VoC), too.

Just 71 days to go! Check out the full program now.

PS. This is the year to invest in your business – and update your skills. You just need a deposit of $150 to secure your VIP ticket – so head here to check out your choices!

Meet the speakers:

Susan Horsburgh has been a journalist for 30 years, starting out as a cadet on The Australian newspaper in Sydney. Since then, she has worked for leading Australian and international publications, including TIME magazine in London and People in New York, writing about everything from the arts, entertainment and travel to business, health and social affairs. She freelanced for The Weekend Australian Magazine and The Age (Melbourne) Magazine, before joining The Australian Women’s Weekly as a senior staff writer for seven years. A freelancer for the past six years, Susan is now a regular contributor to Good Weekend’s much-loved Two of Us column. Find out more about Susan and her career here. 

Award-winning travel journalist Carrie Hutchinson is moderating the panel on How to Find Corporate and B2B Work. For more than 20 years, Carrie has been a writer and editor for a variety of well-known mastheads, including British Vogue, lifestyle bible Wallpaper*, Vogue Entertaining + Travel, Qantas magazine, and get lost travel magazine. She lives in Melbourne where, as well as travel, she writes about food, music and design. For more than two decades, Carrie Hutchinson has lent her words to books, magazines and companies all over the world, writing about people, places and life’s purpose. Carrie has a degree in communication and a masters in creative writing. Read Carrie’s approach to writing here.