One of the most frequently asked questions I get is – Do you know a good web developer/ designer/virtual assistant/video editor/printer?
These are people who help make my life easier and help me get the job done, so from early on in my copywriting career, I could see that I needed to build a ‘team’ of suppliers around me that I could access for my own business but also refer to others.
You can’t do everything so take the time to find people in your area who can support you to be the best you can be. The best part is that many of these suppliers could become referrers of business for you. It’s a two-way street so treat them nicely, offer to help them find business and chances are they’ll become your best source of new work.
You may not need all of these suppliers at the start of your copywriting journey but in general, these are the people who will help you offer a great service to your clients, freeing you up to be the best at what you do – copywriting.
Here’s who you’ll need in your support team:
- Web developer
- Wed designer
- Printer
- Graphic designer
- Photographer
- Video/camera crew
- Virtual Assistant
- Social media manager
- Business coach
- IT support
- SEO expert
- Search Engine Marketing (SEM) expert
PS: If practical and at all possible, use local suppliers from your area. More on that later.
Action: Make a list of all the suppliers you think you’ll need and short list those you’d like to contact.