To niche or not to niche? That is the question for many copywriters starting out. Ryan Wallman was a medical doctor who discovered that he preferred writing copy instead of writing scripts. Discover how he made the transition to becoming a healthcare copywriter, and how to decide if niching is for you.
Dr Ryan Wallman was a medical doctor but after he discovered his passion for words and writing, he decided to follow his intuition and become a medical and healthcare copywriter. He is now the Creative Director and Head of Copy at Wellmark, a Melbourne-based creative agency that specialises in healthcare marketing. He writes for a range of clients including the hospitals, IVF clinics and communication campaigns for the national COVID-19 response.
In this episode, I talk to Ryan about:
- How to become a medical or healthcare copywriter
- The creative process his agency follows to create a campaign
- Why pitching for new clients is a nightmare (necessary, but still a nightmare)
- The pros and cons of niching as a copywriter
- How his agency chooses and hires copywriters
- Why content marketing works (and proof that it does)
- Tips for copywriters starting out
- Why he wrote his book and the impact it had on his career