Research shows that there are only about 20 reasons why people buy anything. Whether it’s a Porsche, or perfume, or a poodle, you’d be surprised at how we are all driven by a limited number of impulses, no matter what the product.
Let me demonstrate.
Here are the top 11 reasons why people buy anything:
1. To make money
2. To save money
3. To save time
4. To avoid physical effort
5. To be attractive to others
6. To gain praise from others
7. To have peace of mind
8. To be unique or special or to feel significant
9. To feel connected with others
10. To protect the family
11. To be stylish
Here’s a diverse range of products but you can see quite quickly that it’s quite possible people buy them all for the same reason.
Why do we buy perfume?
- To be attractive to others
- To gain praise from others
Why do we buy Ferraris?
- To be attractive to others
- To gain praise from others
Why do we bid at a charity auction?
- To be attractive to others
- To gain praise from others
Why do we buy expensive wine?
- To be attractive to others
- To gain praise from others
Why do we buy a hairdressing service?
- To be attractive to others
- To gain praise from others
Sure, there are lots of other reasons why people might buy perfume, a Ferrari, or wine, or get a nice haircut, but isn’t it interesting that the same buying impulse traverses a range of different products?
Before you start writing your copy, it’s worth reflecting on what your target market seeks from your product or service. What need are they seeking to fulfil, and how will your product do that?
Once you know the top two reasons, you should base all your copywriting proof points around that and demonstrate how your product helps them achieve that.
This process helps you focus on what you need to write about and what you can leave out.