Start taking your growing collection of business cards seriously. What you’re creating is a database, a list of people who may do business with you, now or in the future. Right now, you have a client list of zero. That’s okay; everyone has to start somewhere. But don’t make the mistake that most small businesses make when starting out, which is failing to keep a database of names and addresses.
When you are out networking, make it your goal to offer the client something compelling (a research report, an ebook, a cheat sheet) so that they offer you their card. When you get back to the office, enter their details into your database and send them the resource.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was a database. Be focused, methodical and disciplined and try to make every exchange with colleagues an opportunity to educate them about what you do. That is the secret to building a database.
Action: Buy a box to house all the business cards you collect, and enter them into your database as soon as you get back to your home/office.